Recent content by Butterfly2437

  1. Butterfly2437

    pygmy goat in texas

    Hello all. I am looking for pygmy does, Can any one help?
  2. Butterfly2437

    Silkies needed in texas

    Hello all... I am lookin for some silkies. would like to buy pairs if you have them.
  3. Butterfly2437

    Looking for Silkies in central TEXAS

    Don't really want that many roo's. But I will need to talk to my husband about the ones in San Antoino
  4. Butterfly2437

    Looking for Silkies in central TEXAS

    Hello my name is Tanya.. I live in Caldwell TX. I am looking for some silkies. Hens, Roosters, And or chicks. We nhave a couple now but not enough, can any one help?
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