Recent content by cardinalmaccio

  1. cardinalmaccio

     Day 30: Write a review for a chance to win free feed. *To be eligible, you must post between May 31

    Our flock of 7 hens and 1 rooster love the Oyster strong crumbles, our hen Ariel will even fly up to perch on my shoulder because she wants to get hand fed the crumbles! Our flock give 5 Stars to Purina Oyster Strong Crumbles!
  2. cardinalmaccio

     Day 25: Fill in the blank. "My Oyster Strong™ System eggs are as strong as _________." *To be eligib

    My Oyster Strong System eggs are as strong as our rooster Benny's Love and Protectiveness of his beloved hens Here is Benny on guard duty as his hens dust bathe.
  3. cardinalmaccio

     Day 20: Post a photo of your Oyster Strong™ System eggs. *To be eligible, you must post between May

    Hello here are eggs from Ariel (Araucana) (age 3.8 yrs) and Buffy (Buff Orpington) (age 4.2 yrs)
  4. cardinalmaccio

     Day 15: Post a photo of your Oyster Strong™ System hens. *To be eligible to win you must post betwee

    My Girls have heart, they are still laying at 4.5 years old, and they are really happy hens, Purina Oyster Strong all the way!
  5. cardinalmaccio

     Day 10: Tell us how your hens like their Oyster Strong™ System feed. *To be eligible to win you must

    Our flock love their Oyster Strong food, they prefer the crumble version.
  6. cardinalmaccio

     Day 5: Post a photo of your Oyster Strong™ System bag in front of your coop. *To be eligible to win

    Hello here are our beloved brahma sisters Lee Lee and Puffy in front of one of their coops.
  7. cardinalmaccio

    Help stop proposed rooster ban in Bristol, CT

    Hello Thanks for the email. You have been the only one from BackYard chickens to show any support, are you a Bristol resident? If yes I hope you can come to the 8/19 4:30pm meeting at town hall first floor. I enclosed a link of a Dear Editor letter our Benny "wrote"...
  8. cardinalmaccio

    Help stop proposed rooster ban in Bristol, CT

    Help Keep Benny Home! Bristol CT is thinking of implementing a Rooster Ban, any Bristol chicken owners or anyone interested in helping us, please email me, thank you!
  9. cardinalmaccio


    Help Keep Benny Home! Bristol CT is thinking of implementing a Rooster Ban in Bristol, any Bristol chicken owners or anyone interested in helping us, please email me, thank you!
  10. cardinalmaccio

    Help Stop proposed Bristol, CT rooster ban

    Help Keep Benny Home! Bristol CT is thinking of implementing a Rooster Ban in Bristol, any Bristol chicken owners or anyone interested in helping us, please email me, thank you!
  11. cardinalmaccio


    Hello Connecticut and especially Bristol residents: Did anyone read the article about Little Jerry the Rooster in the Bristol Press on 5/21/15? if no, see link here: the article is about the...
  12. cardinalmaccio


    Hello CT members: are any of you using heaters in your coops? if yes what kind, any information would be greatly appreciated!
  13. cardinalmaccio


    Hello CT members: are any of you using heaters in your coops? if yes what kind, any information would be greatly appreciated!
  14. cardinalmaccio


    Glad you are home and Praying for a speedy recovery!
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