Recent content by carlf

  1. C

    Something killed my chickens but didn't eat them

    Aren't you in Florida? there are no civets in Florida, (or the USA). Mink or weasel is the most likely culprit
  2. C

    Hatching eggs in November

    Great post Ridgerunner. I'd love to have your setup and flock size, some day!
  3. C

    Hatching eggs in November

    The more I read the more I am amazed my mother hen hatched and raised all 11 peeps to 10 weeks. All 5 pullets are now 24 weeks. Cockerels were BBQed a long time ago. Yeah I think with a larger flock, you just have more chances to have a more aggressive / territorial hen or other mishap. But...
  4. C

    Brown Leghorn stopped laying in California

    Just taking a break, I would guess either shortening days or a soft molt or both. I would not be overly worried.
  5. C

    Something killed my chickens but didn't eat them

    Bummer. I'd say raccoon or mink/weasel. Where are you located?
  6. C

    When do Araucanas start laying ?

    They may not squat. My dominant BR squats for me but the non-dominant one never has. My 3 pullets have started becoming more "trusting" and approachable as their combs have colored up, but still don't squat even though at least one is laying..
  7. C

    When are chicks fully grown?

    Most likely not, as long as they are acting normal, just keep giving them high protein food & lots of clean water.
  8. C

    Tough, Brittle Egg Shells

    The eggs that aren't " perfect" go to food processors! They never make it to an egg carton.
  9. C

    What predator killed my chickens??

    MY guess is raccoons. Killed them & dragged them off. Get a box trap, only way to really find out. Did your coop open into a fenced run or just out in the yard? If the latter, you must shut the door every night. Must.
  10. C

    I plan on leaving chickens alone at least one week

    I think you have a pretty sound plan. I would advise two water systems. like noted, no water will kill them. Having redundancy is never a bad thing. I've left my hens for a week before multiple times. But I also have a dog in the back yard. Only time i had a problem is when the dog had to go...
  11. C

    When are chicks fully grown?

    8 weeks? They have a LONG way to go! not even close to full grown. My 3 Light Brahma x EE/Ameraucana mix pullets kept growing until about 20 weeks. They are a good bit bigger than my two BR hens. Pullets just started laying at 24 weeks.
  12. C


    IMO, 27 eggs is too many for one hen to handle. In nature, it would be 8-12 in a normal clutch. I would cull it down to a more manageble amount or you chance her not being able to property warm & turn them. Could end up with very few hatching
  13. C

    When to start feeding layer feed???

    I feed 2 mature hens and 3 pullets Feather Fixer 18% protein and make crushed eggshell and oyster available. 1 pullet just started laying, when the other 2 start, I will switch to layer pellets. I also give them dog kibbles very day when I feed their flock-mate Coco the Chocolate Lab
  14. C

    Hatching eggs in November

    I concur that there is no need to separate a broody from the rest of the flock. My broody hen was the bottom of the pecking order in a flock of three. Once she started brooding her clutch, it took the other hens one day to figure out they had to go lay somewhere else. When the peeps hatched, the...
  15. C

    This is the most exciting thing ever!!

    Nice mix of egg colors!
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