Recent content by Carolyn2

  1. C

    Sick chicken, issue unknown

    Not sure of her age. I checked her crop yesterday and it was full and squishy. I checked again this morning and pretty much the same size and feel. For a day and a half I’ve been giving her a little oregano and pesto with oil, basil, and garlic. Yesterday evening the color is starting to come...
  2. C

    Sick chicken, issue unknown

    They eat egg layer pellets, a separate bowl with grit and oyster shells. They have a chicken run area where they eat bugs, worms, plants, etc. We do not use any harmful pesticides or chemicals in the yard. So far the other chicken is acting normal.
  3. C

    Sick chicken, issue unknown

    Hello, I just recently started caring for two chickens. Have had them for about 1.5 months. Just yesterday one of the chickens started looking and acting sick, but not sure what is going on. Her comb is very pale, she is barely eating or drinking. Mainly just stays in one spot. I did notice her...
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