Recent content by CassieDelash

  1. CassieDelash

    help. adding 4 mo chicks and now hatchlings

    As for your expecting chicks, I'd separate them when they hatch. Some breeds do fine with new hatches in the run and others don't. Since you have such a variety, I wouldn't take the chance.
  2. CassieDelash

    help. adding 4 mo chicks and now hatchlings

    Your BO chicks should be big enough to place together with your old flock, even if they aren't fans of each other. They should be fine. You may have two flocks in the same pen. I do now.
  3. CassieDelash

    help. adding 4 mo chicks and now hatchlings

    BO pullets will have combs too, so you may want to be sure before you start butchering.
  4. CassieDelash

    Is this little one a Roo?

    Are their legs thicker than the others, and are they more aggressive?
  5. CassieDelash

    Rooster or hen?

    Definitely hen.
  6. CassieDelash

    Baby chicks hate me

    Hand feeding may help. I would maybe put them in a smaller enclosure so they can't get away and then start hand feeding. How old are they?
  7. CassieDelash

    Hi hi.......:brand new member

    I am guessing you're going to be selling them. How big will they be when you start selling?
  8. CassieDelash

    breed help please

    You may have to wait about three more weeks until you can be sure. I have one at 8 weeks that I am still not completely sure about.
  9. CassieDelash

    Coyotes got half of our girls

    Sorry Nireklov! My mom lost most of hers to a dog recently. Only one was left. Now she is going to reinforce her coop with extremely thick wire and lock her girls up every night.
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