Recent content by cdonato

  1. cdonato

    New chicken mama...

    Well today their temporary run is done, we just need more 2x4's and a cage over the alfalfa plot we planted for them. The meat chickens only have 2 more weeks. Hopefully if all goes well we will order another batch before winter.
  2. cdonato

    New chicken mama...

    We have started on our journey of new chicken parents... May 2, 6:00am. Received call fromPost Office babies are here!! Got them home and couldn't believe all16 fit in then box!! The meat chickens were real quick to be active, eating and drinking so quickly. Our egg layers I was worried...
  3. cdonato

    Spring 2017 first timers post!

    We are first timers and will be getting ours from Meyer's 5/2/17....2 Barred, 2 Golden Lace Wyandottes, 2 RIR and 10 White broilers. Our brooder is ready, old wash tub on legs (back saver!) Next is the coop!! We are so excited!!
  4. cdonato

    Chicken math

    We are in Perry...right by the lake!
  5. cdonato

    Chicken math

    We are trying our hand at this chicken thing for the first time too. We (or should I say he" wanted to start with 26!!!!) 20 meat and 6 egg layers...I was able to talk him down to 16 to start off. Since the meat birds are ready in approx 7 weeks that will leave us with a manageable 6 hens...
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