Recent content by chancet

  1. chancet

    Water Heaters!!!! Are they really worth it??

    I'm in Canada where it can drop to -40. Plus I'm off grid. All I have for utilities is a wood stove. I suppose once I invest in some solar panels and a windmill I can go with the heated dog dish, but for now it's replacing the rubber dishes twice a day with hot water.
  2. chancet

    Raised Coop - Pros & Cons

    ...but if I had a mesh floor, I'd need a separate winterized henhouse for wintertime since I live in Canada. I guess your idea is best... but I've been considering an earth-sheltered henhouse, since my small home is earth-sheltered and adding a side addition henhouse is a thought of mine. I...
  3. chancet

    Raised Coop - Pros & Cons

    Yes, thank-you, I gathered that. My idea, though, was putting my garden directly under the coop (which would have a mesh floor so the poop falls down on its own. My idea is to self-fertilize the garden that way. But I was thinking maybe the poop needs to sit for a year to safetly compost...
  4. chancet

    Raised Coop - Pros & Cons

    I want to mix my garden with my chicken coop, where they can benefit each other. Here's one idea I found: I really like the raised chicken coop someone shared with the mesh floor, which allows the doo doo to just fall through. What if I...
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