Recent content by Chap

  1. Chap

    Red Comb turning black

    My Bared Rock Rooster's comb is turning black at the tips. I live in Texas and its August, so no frost bite. Here's the thing... iv been watching him for a while and his comb will be bright red one day and the tips will turn black the next. His comb was a healthy red yesterday, and now today...
  2. Chap

    3 month old Barred Rock leaking clear fluid out of vent

    i would think that too but she came to me that way, i got a pair of them and the other one is fine, I'm concerned about it being something more. i felt around her pelvis and there is a mass that feels allot like an egg, but again the bird fits in one hand so i know she is too young to lay eggs.
  3. Chap

    3 month old Barred Rock leaking clear fluid out of vent

    Ok now there is a whitish yellow mucus coming out< but she can't have a busted egg inside of her< she is only three months old. again she has no other symptoms.
  4. Chap

    3 month old Barred Rock leaking clear fluid out of vent

    i just got a 3 month old Barred rock and she has clear fluid coming out of her vent, as far as i can tell there is no other symptoms, she is alert and responsive, what could this be?
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