Recent content by chefmmie

  1. chefmmie

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Today we got 16/12. Somebody is working overtime!!!
  2. chefmmie

    What to do with a newly discovered Rooster?

    Thanks fowltemptress for the info. I am a realist and I like to eat, so I have decided to allow on group of chicks to be hatched--a friend said he would take all of them, and then have my Sunday dinner. My mom is going to be so excited! She said ringing chickens' necks was how they got all...
  3. chefmmie

    What to do with a newly discovered Rooster?

    So my hens (I thought) are 11 weeks yesterday, and on Sunday monrning....I heard a cock a doodle doo coming from my hen house. Now, I am all for the procreation of the species, but I cannot deal with a billion baby chicks. I got these gals (?) for eggs. So how soon can I ring his neck and enjoy...
  4. chefmmie

    New to Chickens in NC

    Hi I'm chefmmie and will get my chicks from McMurray the week of 5/25. I have ordered Buff Orpingtons, Araucanas, Rhode Island Reds, and Barred Rocks-on the suggestion of my co-worker who has had chickens 7 months. We have already built a chicken yard and have a coop for them. We will build...
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