Recent content by cheitz20

  1. C

    Fluff on olive egger’s head

    So I’ve noticed my 7-8 week old olive egger chick has developed a little poof on her head, and I was just wondering if anyone thinks she’ll have this as an adult as well. I hope she does, it’s super cute. I know that olive eggers aren’t an “official breed” so characteristics are a bit different...
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    Cut on chick’s foot

    Just noticed a small cut on my 7w/o chick’s foot today. I tried to bandage it using neosporin, gauze, and self-adhering bandage wrap. After about a minute or so she immediately ripped it off her foot. How important is it that this cut is wrapped? Not sure how to make sure it stays on.
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    Brown stuff in egg?

    Hi, not sure where exactly to share this post, but I was wondering if anyone has an idea about what this brown stuff is in this egg? I’ve gotten a few like this before.
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    Thank you!!
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    Thank you so much!!
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    Just wanted to come on here and share a bit about one of my chicks, “Bella” (Italian for “beautiful”). We rescued her from a friend back in the beginning of April. She was only a few days old and born a runt so the other chicks were really beating her up. We took her home (as our first chicken...
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    hen or rooster?

    Hi, I have a (roughly) 6/7-week-old mixed-breed chick and I’m pretty sure she’s a hen but I just wanted to check. She’s around the same size as all my other female chicks and her comb is practically non-existent although I’m not sure if that’s just because she was picked on during her first...
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    What breed roosters?

    Any idea what breeds these 2 roosters are?
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    Chick enrichment ideas?

    Ok thank you, good to know about the stuffed animals, I wasn’t aware of that!
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    Chick enrichment ideas?

    Thanks for the suggestions! The xylophone idea sounds so cute.
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    Chick enrichment ideas?

    Thanks for your response! Will grass be ok for them at this age? We don’t have pesticides or anything in our grass but I just don’t want to expose them to anything harmful.
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    Chick enrichment ideas?

    I have 6 young chicks (ages ranging from a few days old to about 1 week) and this is my first flock. I noticed that in the brooder, they’re all digging around the edge almost like they’re trying to escape (I know that this is just their instinct to look for bugs, etc.) What can I give them at...
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    Baby chick poop normal?

    I have a chick that’s a few days old, pretty small but otherwise her energy seems normal. She is eating and drinking. I wanted to know what “normal” chick poop looks like, because hers seems a bit runny. It’s not completely liquid or anything, but not firm. Should I be concerned, or is this...
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    Help lonely chick?

    Will do, thank you!
  15. C

    Help lonely chick?

    She doesn’t seem to have any open wounds, but she definitely seems weaker due to her size (which I believe the other chicks recognized and therefore picked on her). I was also looking into getting electrolytes for her water to see if that could help her energy level? She’s been sleeping a lot...
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