Recent content by chick lovers

  1. chick lovers

    Cockerel or Pullet Ameracauna ?

    Yep, its a pullet.
  2. chick lovers

    My Golden Sebright is Missing

    I went to lock my chickens up yesterday and found my Golden Sebright rooster was missing. He is about 7 weeks old and fully feathered but is still very small. We have some tall weeds coming up behind our chicken coop which would offer protection from any predators. The only "predator" that would...
  3. chick lovers

    Buff and Lavender Orpington chicks for sale.

    I have Buff and Lavender Orpington chicks for sale, that are two weeks old. The Buffs are $4.00 per chick and the Lavenders are $5.00 per chick.I live in north central WV and can drive a little ways to meet you. My phone number is 1(304)-745-4834.
  4. chick lovers

    Guess the Breed of Chicken Revival Thread!

    Its Veer67's turn now.
  5. chick lovers

    Guess the Breed of Chicken Revival Thread!

    Yes Partridge Rock was correct. Just for kicks here's what he wyandotte mixes turned out to be
  6. chick lovers

    What breeds are my Banties?

    OK Thanks. I am glad to hear that I have a D'Uccle I have always wanted one. Any guesses on the genders?
  7. chick lovers

    What breeds are my Banties?

    Ok, so I got four bantam chicks from my friend and she had no idea what they were, so here they are, I believe the first two are Golden Sebrights. The next I think could be a Silver Phoenix???? The last I am almost positive is a Buff Brahma. But I am not an expert so any help is appreciated. I...
  8. chick lovers

    When do I remove the chicks from the incubator????

    Thanks for all the replies I took the chicks out in groups right after they had hatched. I hatched 25/34 I hatched two bantams, five lav orps, three EE's and the rest were mixed breeds so I guess that wasn't a bad hatch. My last two hatches have been failures so this was a little bit of a...
  9. chick lovers

    When do I remove the chicks from the incubator????

    I have an incubator with 35 good eggs and they are hatching now. I was wondering was when should I remove the chicks that have already hatched to the brooder, and will it hurt the remaining eggs and hatching chicks when I do it?
  10. chick lovers

    What got my chicken?

    Ok I didn't know that, but do you think they are big enough to carry away a chicken? I'm not sure how big any of those are?
  11. chick lovers

    What got my chicken?

    An owl would be possible but not likely especially since they hunt only at night and you're hen appears to have gone missing in the day. The last time you saw her was in the day and she never came back to the coop to be locked up, is that correct?
  12. chick lovers

    Guess the Breed of Chicken Revival Thread!

    No, but you're first guess was extremely close.
  13. chick lovers

    What got my chicken?

    I agree with everything Rowsdower has said. Whenever I've had hawks attack they've left the body or a huge pile of feathers. IF it did get taken by a predator it was probably a coyote or a fox. However if it disappeared in the day it probably got stuck or something like that like Rowsdower said...
  14. chick lovers

    Guess the Breed of Chicken Revival Thread!

    Ok the father was a dark brahma what was the mother?
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