Recent content by Chickadeedoodahday

  1. Chickadeedoodahday

    what color is my silkie?

    I have a partridge silkie whose frizzled
  2. Chickadeedoodahday

    Breed of this baby

    Yellow/orange they aren’t colored like my other marans that hatched.
  3. Chickadeedoodahday

    what color is my silkie?

    Looks like a partridge and a black
  4. Chickadeedoodahday

    Breed of this baby

    Any guesses, on this baby?
  5. Chickadeedoodahday


    It’s only the one bird in question the first photo is the day i picked it up with the Dominque pullet
  6. Chickadeedoodahday


    Got this one from TS in the “amercauna “ pullet bin on aug 28 I’ll attach a pic from then and some from now . So it’s still young 4-5 weeks old I’d assume but i just feel like this “pullet” is a cockerel :/
  7. Chickadeedoodahday

    3 chicks - bantam breed

    I also have a little Bantam chick i was wondering if anyone knew what it was?
  8. Chickadeedoodahday

    Identify my chicks?

    Any idea of age ?
  9. Chickadeedoodahday

    Identify my chicks?

    Only one does have feathered legs
  10. Chickadeedoodahday

    Identify my chicks?

    Thank you guys for your reply’s what’s the best way to sex them ? They both have little combs started .
  11. Chickadeedoodahday

    Identify my chicks?

    Sooo long story short we picked up two chicks from the flea market . No idea what they are . Was thinking d’uccle But unsure . Unsure of age and gender as well.
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