Recent content by Chicken Man Can

  1. C

    Lethargic Hen

    Update : She's recovering. Epsom salt and apple cider vinegar in water helped.
  2. C

    Lethargic Hen

    6 months to 1 year.
  3. C

    Lethargic Hen

    For several days one of hens is lethargic, sleeping most of the day, and not eating (but does drink). Her condition is stable, neither improving or worsening, and I don't know what it is. Her crop is not full, I gave her layer pellet / epsom salt soup which she liked and lapped up. Any ideas?
  4. C

    Poopy chicken with lethargy - unsure what it might be

    Same issue with one, afraid of losing her. Lost one two days ago suddenly, showing no previous signs, likely heart attack.
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    Sudden Hen Death

    We got 6 new hens, not even 2 months ago to replace a flock that was ravaged by a raccoon. All was fine and dandy but today I found one suddenly deceased. I had checked on them just about an hour and half prior, and they were all fine. What happened in that short time span is beyond me. No...
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    Cups or Nipples?

    I am going to replace my flock's water bowl with an automatic system via bucket, float valve, and hose. I am deliberating whether I should use nipples or cups. Anyone have experience with one or both of these, pros cons?
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    Nesting Box Location

    My coop currently has a nesting box situated up high, accessible via a loft. I am going to move the nesting box below because otherwise they sleep and poop in it at night. I want to know if they'll use a nesting box when there is also a loft above, or if they will always choose the higher space...
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    Getting ready. Lots of work.

    As the poster above implied, chicken wire ain't up to snuff when it comes to predators. Most any ground predator can chew / tear right through it. I have welded wire around mine, with chicken wire and plastic fencing to cover the holes. Unfortunately I made a fatal mistake of having the fencing...
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    Rhode Island Red and Barred Rock Winter Laying

    How do these girls do in the winter? Do they perform like Australorps and Austrawhites? That is a short Autumn break during molt then lay throughout winter.
  10. C

    Black and Lavender Orpingtons

    My understanding that black and lavendar Orpingtons don't produce as much as buff Opringtons, is that correct? And are they still decent winter layers?
  11. C

    Speckled Sussex for Winter Laying

    Oh yikes. The ones I had before stopped mid November, then started mid January. Unfortunate the Sussex don't do this.
  12. C

    Speckled Sussex for Winter Laying

    How good is this breed for egg laying in the winter? I am looking for a breed that is fairly consistent all year long (I know there is always a break). I had Austrawhites, Andalusian and a Australorp before and they did great in the winter, sadly they all died. I need something to replace them with.
  13. C

    Lethargic Hen

    Update : She passed 😥 . Initially it seemed she might recover but she got less active again and I found her deceased this morning (probably passed during the night). I think the stress of the attack was too much for her, as she was completely healthy prior.
  14. C

    Lethargic Hen

    Thank you both for the tips. I have good news, she is better today than yesterday. She wasn't moving and just nodding off during the day yesterday but is more active now. I added apple cider vinegar to her water bowl (I should've but forgot to before), as she is drinking quite a lot. Not a...
  15. C

    Lethargic Hen

    She's the sole survivor of a recent predator attack (most likely raccoon), that killed the rest of our 5 member flock. The first couple of days after she seemed fine, and I even let her out to forage which she did. In the days since however she has become lethargic and lost appetite...
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