Recent content by chicken97

  1. chicken97

    Neck problem

    I was thinking wry neck at first too but didn't know if that was something they came out of during the day. What is the name of the animal vitamin supplement you use? She's not the tamest chicken, so treating her might be a bit of a challenge lol but I don't want to lose her.
  2. chicken97

    Neck problem

    I've got about an 8 month old Rhode Island Red that Is tucking her head down to her chest and almost looks like she tries to lift it up but can't. It seems to be every morning and then again at night. My husband says when he checks on them 2 hours after feeding she is fine and you can't tell...
  3. chicken97

    Chicken with curled foot

    I was wondering the same. Mine actually is moving around a lot better but the toes are still curled up. I started vitamins on Saturday. I've read some people tape them to a piece of cardboard to try straighten them but am I past the point of that helping?
  4. chicken97

    Chicken with curled foot

    Thanks for the info. She was normal up until I'd say 8 wks and then this started happening. I'm not sure she ever was vaccinated but the rest of mine all seem healthy. Others told me it was normal for this to happen to some so I never asked until now. What vitamin should I get? I only have a TSC...
  5. chicken97

    Chicken with curled foot

    Thanks for the great info. I'm not sure they ever were vaccinated. I got her from a friend that got them from a neighbor. She was perfectly fine up to about 8 wks and then this happened. Everyone I asked said it was no big deal and it happens to a lot of chickens which is why I waited. The rest...
  6. chicken97

    Chicken with curled foot

    I just got chickens this year and one has a curled foot and the leg stays out to the side. She was getting along OK. She'd hop on the good one and use the other to push herself along. Now she seems to be struggling a little more. Is there anything I can do for her?
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