Recent content by ChickenDoctor145

  1. ChickenDoctor145

    Chick with Impacted Crop?

    Can you post a picture? A bare spot doesn't usually mean an impacted crop as far as I'm aware. Does the crop feel overly full?
  2. ChickenDoctor145

    Could she be a he?

    Definitely a rooster, he's gorgeous tho!
  3. ChickenDoctor145

    Bonding with Baby Chicks

    Idk how much time or patience you have for this, but one thing we always do is just stick your hand in there and hold still. They usually start jumping on it and pecking it and getting more used to it. Putting food in your hand will encourage it even more. And even tho they may not like it at...
  4. ChickenDoctor145

    What breed and gender is my chicken?

    Could be a copper maran, probably not an Australorp because of the gold coming in
  5. ChickenDoctor145

    Hen or Rooster

    Rooster. He's a beauty
  6. ChickenDoctor145

    Feather loss?! Almost winter!

    I have a hen that always molts without fail at the coldest time of year. I make little sweaters for her if I feel like she's too cold. She doesn't always like it but it keeps her alive and happy. You might want to consider that if it gets really cold
  7. ChickenDoctor145

    molting or sickness?

    Can you post a picture?
  8. ChickenDoctor145

    Broken neck???

    Vitamin E deficiency causes muscle distrophy and inbalances, a common symptom is when the head is twisted upside-down because they don't have the strength to hold it up. Is there any way that could be it? Broccoli, pumpkin, asparagus, and other greens are good natural supplements, but at this...
  9. ChickenDoctor145


    Idk yet but a picture would help to see if there is anything you can do
  10. ChickenDoctor145


    Can you try to get a picture?
  11. ChickenDoctor145


    Is it broken? Does it hurt her when you touch it? Or is it just something stuck in her crop?
  12. ChickenDoctor145

    Help with Pullet

    Oh no I so sorry we couldn't help more! Poor girl, I'm so sorry to hear that
  13. ChickenDoctor145

    Hens or Roos??

    White and brown is a pullet, the other one gets cut off in the pic but looks like a pullet as well? Which one has been crowing? They're beautiful birds
  14. ChickenDoctor145

    Help with Pullet

    Can you feel around her to see if anything is tender or abnormal? Eggbound maybe?
  15. ChickenDoctor145

    Help with Pullet

    Has she been eating/drinking normally? Is there any chance she could've gotten into something toxic to chickens?
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