Recent content by chickenman47

  1. chickenman47

    How to incubate peacock eggs?

    what temp and humidity for peahen eggs
  2. chickenman47

    my chicken has swollen eye with bubbling liquid

    Thanks it was crd had to get rid of the bird,unfortunately. This by is a great site thanks everyone that wrote in about this eye problem
  3. chickenman47

    my chicken has swollen eye with bubbling liquid

    Thanks for the info.I will look in the sinuses for puse
  4. chickenman47

    my chicken has swollen eye with bubbling liquid

    Have a p chuck about a month old all of a sudden like over night with a very swollen eye no seeping or discharge swollen all the way shut
  5. chickenman47

    my chicken has swollen eye with bubbling liquid

    Also try using vetrx, and I have found that Rylan is about the best also try baytril.Bleach your hands after touching birds that r infected
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