Recent content by chickenqs

  1. chickenqs

    Some questions about chicks (7wks) + chickens

    Thanks for the responses, You can feed flock raiser (with oyster shell on the side for your layers to eat, which they will) for your whole flock. This is if you only want to buy one kind of feed. This sounds like a good idea since I'm not sure how I'd get the chicks to eat one kind of feed and...
  2. chickenqs

    Some questions about chicks (7wks) + chickens

    I have a batch of chicks (7 weeks old) in a brooder inside my house and am wondering about a few things...first, in the past I've always just given the chicks medicated chick starter crumbles (by Blue Seal) until the time they go into the coop with the rest of the adult hens (6 - 9 weeks...
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