Recent content by ChickenTammy

  1. ChickenTammy

    Pullet question

    Good evening, We have acquired some pullets that seem to have been raised in crowded conditions and not very well fed. They are Isa Browns. My question is has anyone experienced this and did they turn out to be good layers anyway? They are getting fed a proper diet now and looked much better...
  2. ChickenTammy

    Asking your opinion on Wyandottes and Standard Cochin

    I was wondering what others think of golden laced wyandottes? I have 2 aprox 4-5 mos old. I sell eggs and need good layers. These girls are getting really big, but are very immature and not looking like they will be laying any eggs soon. Also, very skittish. Are they worth waiting for? I also...
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