Recent content by ChickKid94

  1. ChickKid94

    Birds Per Box

    How many nesting boxes should you have per hen? I see some people with 4 boxes for 10 hens and then 2 for 3 hens.. What would be the limit per box?
  2. ChickKid94

    Watered ideas?

    I've never bought anything online after what has happened to friends of mine.. All of them get ripped off so I'm staying away from that
  3. ChickKid94

    what to name them

    Ronda and Red
  4. ChickKid94

    Watered ideas?

    I have a watered now but it's just a bucket with a few holes. It works fine but my rhode reds are always walking through it, does anyone have any better ideas? I heard about the chicken nipples but no one sells them around where I live
  5. ChickKid94

    New to BYC

    Hi I'm from Nova Scotia and I actually got a few rhode islands a couple days ago
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