Recent content by ChickyGoldens

  1. C

    Duck family tragedy- duck needs a new home

    Oh, so sad!
  2. C

    How many duck eggs did you EAT today?

    Yes, the yolks are a lot richer, I love baking desserts with them, it makes brownies even better
  3. C

    Getting chicken to explore outside

    Thanks for responding. Their pen outside is completed surrounded with wire, so they are nice and safe. One of them today poked her head out and pecking at a few bugs right by the opening, so hopefully it won't be long. They have a huge inside coop which they love, went to a yard sale and bought...
  4. C

    Getting chicken to explore outside

    So, I have almost 8 week old Favorelle's they are sweethearts and have been in there coop for 2 weeks. I kept them inside for 1 week to acclimate to their home, then opened their hatch door to explore outside in a secured pen. They will not go outside. A couple of them have looked out near the...
  5. C

    Am I missing anything? Should something be added to my run?

    I never thought of garage sales, going to look for more stuff as well but yes, they peck at the bells!
  6. C

    Am I missing anything? Should something be added to my run?

    Mine is 6 inches, I keep it low until mine grow up more and then slowly raise a bit as they get older. I also hang toys with bells, they love the shiny stuff. I also bought a toy roller that you put treats in and when they push it, treats fall out. I have not used it yet since mine are only...
  7. C

    When can I put my Salmon Favorelle's in coop? (4 weeks)

    Good morning from ChickyGoldens, My 5 girls are just about 6-1/2 weeks old. I have them in their new chicken house and they love it. I have a heat light hanging for them but they never go under it. Temp inside is anywhere from 50-58 in the morning. They went out there on Mother's Day (Last...
  8. C

    New member and 1st as a new chic momma

    I am a new chicky mom too ;-)
  9. C

    When can I put my Salmon Favorelle's in coop? (4 weeks)

    Thanks, I am in the Pacific NW and it is about 42 degrees at night but I was planning on putting my heat light in the coop hanging and putting the coop for just 1/2 their space for now. (put wire across, since it is so big) Then plenty of pine shavings to snuggle down into.
  10. C

    When can I put my Salmon Favorelle's in coop? (4 weeks)

    My Salmon Favorelle's (5 chicks) are almost 4 weeks & I am wondering when they can go in the chicken coop. No adults are with them. I can have heat in there as well with them. I have heard full feathering but with heat was hoping they could go soon.
  11. C

    Jerry’s Serama Chick Formula & Chick Grit

    Such a cute picture. I have potty pads underneath my shavings.
  12. C

    New member

    His neck and chest are heavy.
  13. C

    New member

    I see pics and he is over weight. Get him on a lower calorie food, it will help. My girl Willa is 68 lbs and her head is huge as well. I just wanted to help. He is a big boy but.....
  14. C

    New member

    I can tell you now, he is too big. Get some weight off of him and it will really help. A lot of my families think they look great. You should be able to see his waist line and feel his rib easily. Put him on a light calorie food. My almost 8 year old is trim, when she gets too much weight, I...
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