Recent content by Chickys mum

  1. C

    3-week old chick with a bad leg - any advice please

    Thanks for sharing... I'll give B2 a try and hope that my girl's legs will get better. Fingers crossed she'll regain her appetite too.
  2. C

    3-week old chick with a bad leg - any advice please

    Will definitely go out to get the B2 but do I also add the B complex too? How much of the B2 did you give to Bernadette?
  3. C

    3-week old chick with a bad leg - any advice please

    Thanks... I'll try the B2 for my girl but she's nearly a year old and her legs are both bent and she moves around on her hocks. It's painful to see her walk like this but she's still a fighter. I feel so helpless and sorry for her that I didn't send her to the vet early enough. There aren't many...
  4. C

    3-week old chick with a bad leg - any advice please

    I'm sorry and didn't realize the full thread... still new to this page. I'm glad that Bernadette is fine and she's up and about chasing flies! That's great! 😀 its too late for my hen because she's coming to a year old. I tried bandaging her hock to protect the abrasion on her hocks but she...
  5. C

    3-week old chick with a bad leg - any advice please

    Hi, my hen had curled toes when she was a chick and I didn't realise it...she was an abandoned chick and we took her in. One day her leg caught onto the mesh of the cage or she could have jumped and hurt her leg. The vet couldn't do anything for her leg which slowly bent outwards at an angle...
  6. C

    Chickens won't stop squawking loudly for no apparent reason

    Oh your flock does that too? I did think she was calling out to the rest of the flock (which doesn't exist). But she still calls out after she's had a few pecks, even when she's not eating or if she's just sun bathing. I did experiment by pecking on her food together with her and she took turns...
  7. C

    Chickens won't stop squawking loudly for no apparent reason

    Oh dear... sorry... do let me know if the new link works. Thank you. 😀
  8. C

    Chickens won't stop squawking loudly for no apparent reason

    Hi @Battlepants , managed to upload my video. Here's my little girl. Rescued her when she was an abandoned chick.
  9. C

    Chickens won't stop squawking loudly for no apparent reason

    Here's the link to the video in the other thread. I'll try to upload my video to YouTube.
  10. C

    Chickens won't stop squawking loudly for no apparent reason

    Unfortunately she sleeps in a cage with a yoga mat as the base because Chicky has curled toes and one of her legs is bent backwards... she moves on her hocks which is why we place a mat for her to move on to avoid making her legs more splayed. As a result of moving on her hocks, she gers...
  11. C

    Chickens won't stop squawking loudly for no apparent reason

    Yes she's the only chicken and I can't get another because chickens aren't allowed in apartments. I tried putting a mirror in front of her and she didn't want to look at it.
  12. C

    Chickens won't stop squawking loudly for no apparent reason

    Am having same issue with my rescued hen who's 11 month old. She makes this high pitched sounds as if she's hungry or looking for other chicken's. Because chickens aren't allowed in apartments, I can only have her as long as she doesn't attract my neighbours attention. She pecks abit of her food...
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