Recent content by Cindy Sue

  1. C

    Roosters and their young

    I have 5 new girls (hopefully), that I incubated from my rooster and his ladies. When they are old enough to mingle with the flock, do I need to worry about daddy and his daughters, you know, doing it??? Do they end up having deformed chicks? I'm being serious and don't know how to ask this...
  2. C

    Sick Chicken

    We actually had some hard boiled eggs, so we mashed them up and she is eating them. She did try to stand up, but was too exhausted to stand. She is not getting worse, so that is a good thing.
  3. C


    Thank you, I was trying to post it there. I'm new to the site. Sorry
  4. C

    Sick Chicken

    Thanks, I will get a picture, I'm at work right now. A friend of mine is watching her closely and giving her water every hour, which she does drink on her own. I noticed yesterday that she was not hanging with the other girls, this morning, I went to check on her, she had her neck stretched out...
  5. C

    Sick Chicken

    No smell, she's about a year old. The vet checked her thoroughly and couldn't see anything wrong physically. The vet gave her baytril. She is drinking water out of our hands. Should we feed her, my friend is watching her while I'm at work, and she doesn't want to feed her till she can hold her...
  6. C

    Sick Chicken

    I don't know if i'm posting in right place. I'm not hatching, my chicken is just shy of a year old and has been very healthy till now. She has a temp of 109, I've taken her to the vet and they've put her on antibiotics with low hopes of survival. She is not egg bound, is a little dehydrated and...
  7. C


    My chicken has a temp of 109, I've taken her to the vet and they've put her on antibiotics with low hopes of survival. She is not egg bound, is a little dehydrated and skinny, so I apparently missed the early warning signs that something was wrong. I'm putting colloidal silver in the water to...
  8. C

    Beyond wet chickens

    Should I do more then this: I usually leave the coop open and the chickens go in and out all day as they please, today the wind blew the gate over the rock, and we've had a downpour, my chickens are wet, seriously wet, you can see their skin, I have put the heat light on in the coop, do I need...
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