Recent content by conrad_roy

  1. C


    Hang an apple in the pen for snack. My flock loves them. The other day I hung an apple and a pear (about the same size) .I found out the next day that they prefer the apple. Half of the pear was still left while the apple was completely gone!
  2. C

    Which Buff Orpington Cockerel to Keep?

    Wait until you hear them both crowing. Weigh your options. Both look handsome. Choose the one that makes a nice crowing sound (music to your ears) Goodluck!
  3. C

    I love my roo!

    Can I keep a game roo with docile hens like RIR,OP BR and EE? If not what type of breed is highly recommended? Thanks
  4. C

    Are your roos mean or nice?

    my roo is not tame unlike my other chickens who were hatched by my bator. he was an adopted roo. any advice on how to make him like me?
  5. C

    Forum User Titles - What Are They And How / When Are They Changed

    I'm trying to change my user name to coopdepallet but no success. Please help. Thanks
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