Recent content by Coopking

  1. Coopking

    Worms still alive after wazine 17

    Thank you everyone for the helpful advice.☺
  2. Coopking

    Worms still alive after wazine 17

    Treated my girls yesterday with wazine 17 for round worm. Today I still see live worms in the droppings. Is this normal, does it take a few days to kill them or should I retreat them?
  3. Coopking

    Blue Andalusian roosters?

    Did these turn out to be roosters? I had this breed and a swore one was a roo it even crowed then one day it made an egg. Had to change his name to a girl name lol. I ended up with all girls.
  4. Coopking

    Whats wrong with my RI red feathers?

    I checked the coop found nothing, went ahead and cleaned it anyway. The girls are not taking excessive dirt baths but do itch their heads and occasionally sneeze. They free range in 1 acre + yard, so they are exposed to wild birds rabbits etc.
  5. Coopking

    Whats wrong with my RI red feathers?

    I have checked the chickens for mites and lice found nothing. I will check the coop! Didn't know about that trick. I'm in Southern California.
  6. Coopking

    Whats wrong with my RI red feathers?

    The rooster has just been re homed (two days ago) so right now its a hen only flock, however we have some 10 week old additions which we are unable to sex right now so that may change.
  7. Coopking

    Whats wrong with my RI red feathers?

    thanks, the photo shows some rooster damage but there is also something else going on. Tail photo shows the feather loss as well. Also our rooster feathers are doing the same thing.
  8. Coopking

    Whats wrong with my RI red feathers?

    hi, Please help both of my RI reds looks like the the picture, one more so than the other. No signs of mites, not being picked on by other hens or rooster.
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