Recent content by Corin1110

  1. C

    Why Have a Rooster?

    I like having roosters because they will fight anything to protect the hens. It at least buys them time to get to safety. Yes he will sacrifice his life for them if you gave a good rooster. I love the crowing in the morning and the hens seem happier with him. Be careful what breed you get...
  2. C

    Help needed. New chickens not going into new coop at night. Airlifting 36 chickens is exhausting!

    Do you have perches inside the trailer? I would lock them in for 3 days before letting them out again. Block the underside do they can’t get under when you do let them out. I’m sure there are restrictions to licking them in for your organic status, (but you did say they are pets so it...
  3. C

    Broody Hens

    I have 4 broody hens each about a week apart. We haven’t had a broody for years and then only had 1. Since snakes are prevalent in our area, we are constructing a “nursery” for the hens and chicks once they hatch. My question is can I put more than 1 hen with chicks in the “nursery” or...
  4. C

    Greetings from Texas

    I am a new member. I’ve had chickens for many years for now that I’m retired I want to learn more about them.
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