Recent content by Crazymomoffour

  1. C

    What to do with a 5 week 'failure to thrive' chick among 3 thriving ones

    That is incorrect. Coccidiosis in a newborn chick is extremely rare. And also very contagious. Her other chicks would have had it too.
  2. C

    Broken leg?? Need advice/suggestions

    I am so sorry! I’m guessing our chicks did not have the same thing. After some advice to soak her foot in baking soda and water and covering in Vaseline she started using the leg!
  3. C

    Foot issue?

    All along I have thought something was wrong with her leg even though there was no swelling or turning because she wouldn’t use it. But...could it be her foot? The right foot looks nice and pink, but the foot she won’t use looks dry and almost scaly?
  4. C

    Injured chick?!

    Ok. So nothing to worry about then lol. No she hasn’t been outside yet at all. Still in the brooder in my house.
  5. C

    Injured chick?!

    Today I’m still doing the same regimen for her and she is still the same. While doing some stretches of her leg I noticed this bare spot under her wing. It was wet like she’d been pecking at it maybe? Any ideas?
  6. C

    Broken leg?? Need advice/suggestions

    This is the exact thing going on with one of my babies! What is the update on yours?
  7. C

    Injured chick?!

    I’m giving her extra vitamin B. She still doesn’t put weight on it very much but since there no swelling and no turning of the foot or hip I think I’m just going to leave her be and maybe just gently straighten and flex her leg in a little physical therapy a few times a day.
  8. C

    Injured chick?!

    Well now I’m confused. The tape slipped off so I sat her on the table to really check her out. She appears to have no swelling, her leg isn’t turned and she CAN straighten it as you see in the pics. So what the heck lol?
  9. C

    Injured chick?!

    I was actually afraid to tape it so I cut down an old ace bandage and wrapped with that and secured with tape. She did not like the chick sling and kept trying to get out so to prevent further injury she is now just hobbling with a splinted leg.
  10. C

    Hi from South Carolina

    Thank you all for the warm welcome! Two days in, two pasty butts cleaned and one in isolation for slipped tendon. I got her splinted and comfortable I hope and from what I’m told it’s a mild case. Here are my girls!
  11. C

    Injured chick?!

    She was limping around before the splint and eating and drinking. I’m giving her the probiotics and electrolytes in her water and sprinkling vitamin B on her food
  12. C

    Injured chick?!

    Thank you! My daughter has been sitting with her every minute and I was dreading having to tell her bad news.
  13. C

    Injured chick?!

    Yes I made sure she can reach it. She is just all tucked under and asleep in that pic lol. I have her on the cooler side of the brooder since she is sitting in a fuzzy sock. I have hesitated to ask the question, but what happens if her leg does not improve? How do I know if she’s in pain? Could...
  14. C

    Injured chick?!

    Not much improvement in the chick, MacBeth, overnight so this morning I attempted to put the tendon back in place, splinted the leg and improvised a chick sling. She hates it, but hopefully it will help. Time will tell.
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