Recent content by CrazyQuackLady

  1. CrazyQuackLady

    36 hours since first pip... help

    Thanks everyone. The little guy has made it and is doing fine. He just didn't seem to be making any progress (his beak was just sitting at the hole and wouldn't move) so I helped chip away at it over the course of 4 hours last night. Made the final breakthrough on his own though at about 1:00 am...
  2. CrazyQuackLady

    36 hours since first pip... help

    I am very new so please forgive my mistakes. This is my first hatch. In Canada for reference. Backstory: This is going to sound a little crazy (At least to my social circle it does). I was coming home from town and there was a mallard duck on my driveway. She flew off and left a little present...
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