Recent content by Cryobrackon

  1. Cryobrackon

    You May Call Us Rodents or Vermin, But You Dont Know Us Yet - The RP(Role Play)

    Lace wandered about, turning corners, but she stopped and scampered back around the corner when she caught sight of a fox, she wasnt really scared of them, but on occasion they made snacks out of mice.
  2. Cryobrackon

    ~*~ Tracks in the Snow-Sleddog RP~*~

    Pari didnt speak up, she decided to stay behind in the case they we're attacked, she was no fighter, and she didnt want to be a hindrance.
  3. Cryobrackon

    ~*~ Tracks in the Snow-Sleddog RP~*~

    Pari sat down in front of Marco thinking, 'How could I have done that? I was in the middle of the den, how did I not wake someone up, I cant even trust myself to sleep! this is so embarrassing...' She thought.
  4. Cryobrackon

    ~*~ Tracks in the Snow-Sleddog RP~*~

    Pari followed Marco.
  5. Cryobrackon

    ~*~ Tracks in the Snow-Sleddog RP~*~

    (Arent there only four dogs?) She nodded, "Thank you Griz..." She said, still trying to get over the embarrassment.
  6. Cryobrackon

    ~*~ Tracks in the Snow-Sleddog RP~*~

    She nodded, she knew Griz was older and more experienced than her, "Alright..." She said.
  7. Cryobrackon

    ~*~ Tracks in the Snow-Sleddog RP~*~

    She looked up at him, "I.. I... I walked off in my sleep." She said sniffling.
  8. Cryobrackon

    ~*~ Tracks in the Snow-Sleddog RP~*~

    Pari walked over to Griz, head low and trying to think of something to say.
  9. Cryobrackon

    ~*~ Tracks in the Snow-Sleddog RP~*~

    Pari was walking in a circle around the packs temporary territory, she had some pretty bad dreams and had somehow walked off in her sleep, which she was embarresed of and scolded herself for doing something that dangerous, even if she couldnt help it, she kept circling, clearing her head...
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