Recent content by Daffy Duck

  1. Daffy Duck

    Ducks ALL together or Small Flocks?

    I have 3 flocks of Ducks. For no other reason than that's how they came.... We have 2 flocks of 8 Kahki Cambpells (each has one male) and 1 flock of 12 Pekins (all hens). The Kahki's seem to want to be all together, which appears normal. And the Pekins want to be with the rest of...
  2. Daffy Duck

    Chick Starter Vs. Game Starter for several flocks....

    Actually, the feed store said that the higher protein will cause the birds to plug up and have heart attacks....?
  3. Daffy Duck

    How can I hook this up to solar?

    Super simple. you need a 12V battery with at least 40cca or 20Ah, a small inverter that will put out enough wattage to run the chicken door. Place the battery in a secure position, wire the solar charger to the batt. Place an inverter on the battery and plug in the chicken door. Boom!
  4. Daffy Duck

    Chick Starter Vs. Game Starter for several flocks....

    the layer crumble is at 20% and the Gamebird is 28%. We are following a YouTube channel where this Farmstead is giving Gamebird to thier CC. We were advised against....
  5. Daffy Duck

    Chick Starter Vs. Game Starter for several flocks....

    Dear Family, We started raising meat birds this year. We currently have 150 Cornish Cross in Chicken Tractors, 100 (fryers/roosters) in the brooder, 18 Turkeys at 6 weeks, 30+ ducks, a small flock of Lavender Orpingtons (with a goose) and a couple other small flocks both with geese. OH! and...
  6. Daffy Duck

    Just put the birds out on GRASS...

    We are raising 100+ Cornish Cross and a few Roosters for meat. These kids just went out on GRASS at 3 weeks. How much should I feed each day / per bird if they are in tractors and moving each day? Recommendations are 1/4# per day / per bird... but what if they are on grass.... How much...
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