Recent content by datienza

  1. datienza

    Ended Official BYC Coop Page Contest #7

    Here is my entry and sample photo to the Coop and Run Contest. Enjoy and thanks for looking...
  2. datienza

    Comment by 'datienza' in article 'AtiHENza's Place'

    Thanks for the encouraging comments. This is the first "big" anything that I've ever built so it's neat to see what others think. I'm an OBGYN in real life so this new hobby keeps the stress down of being on call until I'm actually called.
  3. datienza

    Comment by 'datienza' in article 'AtiHENza's Place'

    thanks for checking it out and the compliments. The BOs and RIRs are in a smaller subsection of the main pen. They got pecked on alot because they're much younger. Now they're all together, the just run away from the others.
  4. AtiHENza's Place

    AtiHENza's Place

    Our first chicken coop ended up being too small. What we did next was a little EGGstreme!.. These are just updates. CLUCK Like if you see something that CRACKS you up! It's 95% done! Ok, so maybe I put a little too much Eggnergy & Eggfort into this. Best part is the roll out egg box. Just pick...
  5. datienza

    Guide Coop pages and member pages tutorial and feedback

    Nice job on your DIY coop. I had a small one and was so hooked I decided to build a bigger one myself. Found lots of ideas on the internet, and developed some building skills at the same time. I originally thought I'd just go buy a plastic shed and add stuff to it and cut out holes and just go...
  6. datienza

    Ended Official BYC Contest - 1 Million Threads Contest - Guess Day/Time & Win Free Automatic Coop Doo

    Hello, Here's my new member thread! My guess: Dec 12, 2015 at 4:53 pm wish me luck!
  7. datienza


    Right now, I have a total of 24 chickens all are ISA browns except 2 Rhode Island Reds and 2 Buff Orpingtons. Love the eggs. They're huge. Does any one know how to fix a broken leg? Or is that what people do? Thanks
  8. datienza


    I'm Dennis. Thank you for welcoming me aboard BYC! I'm up to 24 hens in the last 3 months and I'm obsessed. Love your site and love learning everything I can. I build a new large chicken coop and and can't wait to share it with everyone. I even got some of the ideas here and BAM! it works...
  9. datienza

    New rollout nest design Picture heavy-edited 1/21

    Excellent design. I used your idea and placed the rear side against the front wall. We just open the front hatch to grab nice clean eggs. Thanks for sharing your expertise. Here's my Facebook Album...
  10. Default


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