Recent content by DBrinkman

  1. DBrinkman

    Have 2 birchen hens and 1 birchen rooster - mounts one and not the other

    I inserted the pictures of the rooster and one of the hens.
  2. DBrinkman

    Have 2 birchen hens and 1 birchen rooster - mounts one and not the other

    Wow I am learning . Silver Birchen maran bantams that make sense.
  3. DBrinkman

    Have 2 birchen hens and 1 birchen rooster - mounts one and not the other

    Silver Birchens They are same age. Any idea on the eggs. ?
  4. DBrinkman

    Have 2 birchen hens and 1 birchen rooster - mounts one and not the other

    Thanks for the reply. I keep the rooster separate during the day. Do you know why I have one hen lay white eggs and the one as you say afraid lays creme eggs. Why would he be afraid of her.
  5. DBrinkman

    Have 2 birchen hens and 1 birchen rooster - mounts one and not the other

    The rooster will mount the one chicken and her eggs are fertilized and her eggs are white. The other birchen hen, I have not seen him mount and her eggs are creme and are not fertilized obviously. Why is he not mounting the
  6. DBrinkman

    Have several Golden Comets that are not laying - Signs hold old they are.

    I have several comets that are not laying. Pale red combs, skinny legs but eating very well and moving around. What are signs they are just not old enough. I will upload picture tonight.
  7. DBrinkman

    Silver Birchen laying white eggs

    I see all the talk about cooper eggs layed by Birchen hens but I keep getting small white eggs, does that mean the hen is just young? They are definately silver birchens.
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