Recent content by Debbie292d

  1. Debbie292d

    Possibly sick 5 week old pullets

    Hi again! It's hard for us to know what's up as your last reply in your other post was, "Yes they are still the grower. And thank you for the info on the vitamins. Didn't witness/hear any sneezing this morning and nostral looks fine. Did not see the chatter this morning either but I also was...
  2. Debbie292d

    Announcement Please Help & Reply To Unanswered Threads

    I really don't like seeing that either! If I posted something needing help and saw a reply like that I'd feel a bit dejected. I've been trying to help the ones I know about pretty much daily.
  3. Debbie292d

    Chicks dying 1 week old

    As for the chicks, when you said towels, did you mean paper towels or cloth towels, as if it's the latter, it's probably the laundry detergent or drier sheets that are getting to them especially when heated up. Had you cleaned the heat plate with something that could be giving off something...
  4. Debbie292d

    It’s me! A new chicken owner!

    Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow Yes, chickens are sure fun!! Enjoy! Ask if you ever have questions!
  5. Debbie292d

    Vetark Zolcal-D

    I searched it and seems there are many folks that use it. The bottle you posted says on it to give 10 ml per 200 ml of water. In ounces, that's .34 oz to 7 oz water. We just put oyster shell out, but if it's a serious problem like hen is egg-bound, then the recommendation is to give her a...
  6. Debbie292d

    Brooder help

    After Day 3 chicks, we replace paper towels with horse bedding pellets. About an inch of those and that absorbs the poop/smell. After a few days, I stir them with a stick. You might see some eating them or you think they're eating them but for years we've used them with zero issues...
  7. Debbie292d

    Coccidiosis relapse?

    You could also follow up after with probiotics as Corid does sometimes cause diarrhea and the probiotics will help clear that up. We use Hydro-Hen in their water, or pick up some Greek yogurt. If you felt the need to redo Corid another week, then I would as it doesn't hurt. Just be sure to...
  8. Debbie292d

    Dimorphic and Dilute

    This article explains it with snow geese. To quote: The lesser snow goose is dimorphic, which means it comes in two different colors phases, a white phase and a blue phase.
  9. Debbie292d

    Wings and tail down and lethargic

    When is the last time she laid if you know? If it's been a couple days, she could be egg-bound except that usually doesn't last as long as you say she's not been acting right. Has she been on layer pellets or all flock and eating/drinking fine? Have you noticed anything strange with her poop...
  10. Debbie292d

    Dust Bath Pictures?

    In the summer, it's our flower gardens. In the winter, it's an XL kitty litter box half-filled with garden dirt with some food-grade diatomaceous earth and wood ash mixed in. We dig about 2 5-gallon buckets of dirt and keep it inside so it doesn't freeze and we can replenish a couple times...
  11. Debbie292d


    Any brand is fine. It's just called Chick Starter or Chick Grower. If you have a TSC or farm store, they will have it, and even Walmart I think I saw it in.
  12. Debbie292d


    Hiya, Brittany, and welcome to BYC!! :frow Gloria is beautiful!!
  13. Debbie292d


    OH, in that case, can you pick up a bag of chick starter/grower next time you're in town? They all would love some of that I bet, plus it'll give them some vitamins they're missing out on.
  14. Debbie292d


    Hiya, and welcome to BYC!! :frow Does the owner know you're giving treats? I would check with them as some of us don't want chicks getting anything but their crumble. Maybe ask them if they could give you some of that and you could make it in a mash for the chicks. They love that!! For...
  15. Debbie292d

    New chix..who dis?

    Hiya, Katie, and welcome to BYC!! :frow I do use a few things regularly and keep a few things for just in case. I wouldn't go whole hog on too many extras though if you have a TSC or farm store nearby where you can get it if needed down the road. When I started raising silkies, I only...
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