Recent content by debgoody

  1. debgoody

    Chirping 2 year old chicken

    She doesn’t growl , let’s me pick her right up, but everything you mention she does. What are some good protein snacks? And what vitamins do you recommend?
  2. debgoody

    Chirping 2 year old chicken

    I have a chicken that has been sitting and it’s nesting box for probably over two weeks we keep kicking it out and when it goes out, it goes over and drinks water, and then walks around chirps a bunch and then just goes back to the nesting box. it seems to be skinny I could definitely feel it’s...
  3. debgoody


    And then wait another ten days before we can eat the eggs??
  4. debgoody


    Ok dosed about 10 days ago- haven’t seen anymore unloading, do I need to redo we again??
  5. debgoody


    Eggcesive- ok i picked up safeguard-do i have to weigh each chicken..?? To figure out dosage...??
  6. debgoody


    No luck they didn’t have it but they did have safeguard! I went to check on the chickens tonight and now I see blood in the poop...from worms??
  7. debgoody


    Thanks for your response. If I’m not able to let them roam and eat fresh grass any other suggestions? They have a large run that they are in all day that there able to dig and dust bath but we they don’t free range
  8. debgoody


    Thanks! The local stores don’t have that, I’ll have to order it. I assume don’t eat the eggs for awhile too?
  9. debgoody


    yes we’re in NY
  10. debgoody


    Is it contagious? And I’m not sure who has it so do I treat all??
  11. debgoody


    Went to clean the coop this morning and found this. Is this worms? Never came across this before... how do i test? What do i do? We have 14 chickens and have no idea who this is coming from. Any help..???
  12. debgoody

    Layer feed

    My 15 week old chicks got into the layer feed... anything wrong with them eating it?
  13. debgoody

    Feathers lost

    Thanks... I think it is feather picking.... she seems to be picked on there 14 weeks old... so do I separate or just them be?
  14. debgoody

    Feathers lost

    14 week old chicks and her feathers are. It coming in... or may been picked out.. any suggestions?
  15. debgoody


    Ok, Will it effect the egg production in the adults? Do I need to supplement with oyster shell or anything else?
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