Recent content by DebS

  1. DebS

    when do hens stop laying?

    Quote: A few each of Rhode Island Reds, Speckled Sussex, Black Australorps, New Hampshire Reds, Barred Rock, Buff Orpingtons
  2. DebS

    when do hens stop laying?

    I have 10 hens (assorted kinds) who will be 2 in the spring. They have been excellent layers but now are really slowing down. I had been getting 8-9 per day and am down to 2-3 on a good day in the past week or so. The weather has been gloomy, the days shorter, and I have been blaming that but...
  3. DebS

    roosting question

    Thanks for the replies. My girls are 11 weeks old and have, up to this point, been housed in a 10x6 portable dog run. In there we put up roosts of varying heights and they seemed to love them -- still slept in a pile in a corner -- but were on the roosts all the time. We had a landscape...
  4. DebS

    roosting question

    I've been reading this board for quite some time now and have gotten some really helpful information. Thanks! This is my first attempt at keeping chicken and with all the info I have found on this site it has gone off without a hitch up to this point. Now I'm stumped. We just finished the...
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