Recent content by DeniseE

  1. DeniseE


    Ok so we got some protein water in the baby and now the crop is swollen...any suggestions now?
  2. DeniseE


    The chick is 2 days old. no foaming at the mouth. I have not seen a poop yet.
  3. DeniseE


    Than you so much! I will try right now.
  4. DeniseE


    We just received 3 new-day old baby chicks. One of the chicks keeps turning its head sideways and then falling over on its side. He pretty much just laying there breathing hard. not really eating! Anyone have any suggestions???
  5. DeniseE

    Looking for an male orpington chick?

    We have 4 female buff orpingtons. Looking for 1 male orpington chick (pref buff). I cant find any anywhere that you can only buy 1. Everywhere I look you can only buy multiple. Any suggestions?
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