Recent content by dewdrp

  1. dewdrp

    Chicken with cold symptoms

    thank you for the information. I have had my birds for quite a while now, so there are no new ones being introduced. I am giving them antibiotics and am hoping that will help.
  2. dewdrp

    Chicken with cold symptoms

    I would be interested to hear what the vet says
  3. dewdrp

    Chicken with cold symptoms

    I too am having the same problem with one of my girls, just noticed it a couple days ago.
  4. dewdrp

    Oregano oil for chickens

    Never thought about giving them oatmeal, thanks for the idea.
  5. dewdrp

    Need some advice on "pecking order"

    Glad to be reading all these suggestions, as I am wanting to get a couple new girls, but last time I brought a new ones home some of the others were really being mean so this has also been very helpful to me. I usually have Rhode Island reds.
  6. dewdrp

    oregano oil

    It is used instead of antibiotics to keep chickens healthy
  7. dewdrp


    Thank you.
  8. dewdrp

    Oregano oil for chickens

    ok, thanks for the info. My water is not a gallon, so can I make a gallon and put the left over in the fridge?
  9. dewdrp


    ok, thanks for the help. Much appriciated
  10. dewdrp


    My name is Mickey and I am new to this site. I have 7 girls and am wanting to make sure I do all the right stuff to keep my girls healthy and happy.
  11. dewdrp

    oregano oil

    I have a self waterier for the chickens, how much oil should I put in there? I am new at this oil stuff.
  12. dewdrp

    Oregano oil for chickens

    How much oil should I give them? I have 7 girls.
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