Recent content by doge084

  1. doge084

    What type of egg is this?

    Thanks I just cracked it open and it was a yolk with white
  2. doge084

    What type of egg is this?

    I saw this egg and I never seen anything like it
  3. doge084

    What breed is my duck Lucy?

    what breed is Lucy she has a grey and greenish beak
  4. doge084

    What breed is my ducky?

    thanks for the information!
  5. doge084

    What breed is my ducky?

    i have been thinking of getting them a new pool the old one broke which one do you got?
  6. doge084

    What breed is my ducky?

    Here’s a pictures of them when they are baby I hope this kinda help you
  7. doge084

    What breed is my ducky?

    also, i saw pictures of Swedish ducklings and compare them to my ducks they were ducklings and both look the same so thanks guys for helping me EDIT is it true that they are endangered google said: The Swedish Blue duck was first imported into the USA in the late 1800s. And it was accepted into...
  8. doge084

    What breed is my ducky?

    i saw pictures of swedish ducks online and I do agree with you guys i think it might be a Swedish duck
  9. doge084

    What breed is my ducky?

    Your duck are so cute
  10. doge084

    What breed is my ducky?

    I got two khaki ducks and they are all feathered out can you tell me other ways to tell their gender?
  11. doge084

    What breed is my ducky?

    I got some baby pictures of it if you like to see them
  12. doge084

    What breed is my ducky?

    I’m new to ducks too so it may be male you think?
  13. doge084

    What breed is my ducky?

    It’s about a month old I got it in march
  14. doge084

    What breed is my ducky?

    Do you think they are like a mix of two different ducks?
  15. doge084

    What breed is my ducky?

    Tractor supply and I got 6 ducks in total
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