Recent content by dpack

  1. dpack

    Barred Plymouth- Roosters?

    Thanks. I'm a little annoyed that I didn't learn enough before agreeing to buy them and very annoyed that the farmer who sold them outright lied that they were hens, he even advertised them as such. I don't have room or need for roosters.
  2. dpack

    Barred Plymouth- Roosters?

    That's what I though, thanks. Actually we bought them in October, not July. So they're around 6 months old. No crowing yet. But I still need to get rid of them
  3. dpack

    Barred Plymouth- Roosters?

    I got these two in July, here we are in January and still no eggs. My neighbor thinks at least one may be a rooster because of his/her size. My understanding is the saddle feathers are the giveaway. Can anyone definitively tell me if either or both of these are roosters.
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