Recent content by Dr Carla

  1. D

    Chronic sick bird, brittle eggs, now dying. Possible causes?

    Unless you have done a whole lot of necropsies, I would recomend having your veterinarian do it & send samples into a lab for pathology if you really want to know why it happened. It doesn't seem to be anything contagious, because no one else is showing anything unusual.
  2. D


    Thank you for such a nice welcome! Most people think chickens are chickens are chickens. They each have different personalities & are so fun to watch & interact with. I really miss them. but I think this site will help!
  3. D

    Kind of a weird one for the experts

    I would also recommend an antibiotic.
  4. D


    I'm a retired veterinarian who raised & enjoyed chickens my entire adult life. Unfortunately, I've got MS, am now in a wheelchair & can't work or raise chickens anymore. So I will enjoy them through all of your eyes & comments. If I can help answer any medical questions about them, I will be...
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