Recent content by Dubeyhm

  1. Dubeyhm

    Got a hen laying around a lot past two days.

    I just put mine in a dog crate so I can keep an eye on her also
  2. Dubeyhm

    Got a hen laying around a lot past two days.

    I have ?'s along this line also.... I have a young lethargic chicken.... I have made the electrolytes/Corid mixture.... How often should I be given her drinks from the dropper?
  3. Dubeyhm

    New Member

  4. Dubeyhm

    New Member

    Thank you
  5. Dubeyhm


    The joint is backwards.... So I am making a wheelchair so she can get around
  6. Dubeyhm


    Here is the leg
  7. Dubeyhm


  8. Dubeyhm


    I am taking on a wheelchair silkie chicken and I need any assistance I can get Heather
  9. Dubeyhm

    New Member

  10. Dubeyhm

    New Member

    Hi, My name is Heather and I am kinda new to chickens, kinda not.... I grew up with them, but wanted nothing to do with them.... Then last May my husband and I bought 12 Marnans.... They where doing great until we let them free range 1 day and the dogs killed 1.... So then They couldn't any...
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