Recent content by Eggrigg

  1. Eggrigg

    Chick's clustering to one side of enclosure

    I have been stumped by some recent chick behavior and was hoping for some guidance. My chicks hatched April 1st, and I had them with an infrared heat lamp and EcoGlow brooder. (I will refer to their entire brooder space as the enclosure, the EcoGlow as te brooder to avoid confusion). They used...
  2. Eggrigg

    How many crickets can a chick eat

    Hello! I looked through the forums and didn’t find anything so I apologize if this is a repeat topic! I’ve been caring for 6 chicks (about 3 weeks old) and they are pretty obsessed with crickets and meal/wax worms. I have one chick I’ve been nursing from a head trauma injury (name is Maple)...
  3. Eggrigg

    Head Tilt from Head Trauma: Advice

    Her movements are fine for the most part, she is occasionally lethargic. I’ll leave the food in and observe if she takes it on her own
  4. Eggrigg

    Head Tilt from Head Trauma: Advice

    I won’t see a vet for three more days (I meant Thursday whoops). I can’t imagine she aspirated anything unless potentially the medication I gave her since she was fighting to not take it.
  5. Eggrigg

    Head Tilt from Head Trauma: Advice

    Do you think it’s acceptable if I leave the mix in her enclosure for her to eat on her own? She gets extremely stressed when I pick her up, twisting her neck nearly totally upside and I’m worried the panic she goes into will simply makes things worse. Thoughts?
  6. Eggrigg

    Head Tilt from Head Trauma: Advice

    UPDATE: Her tilt seems to have gotten worst and now she is breathing with her mouth open. They seem like little gasps or breath. She is still eating and drinking on her own. She occasionally has a whistle sounding chirp on the exhale. Nothing else is out of the ordinary. Feces is normal, brooder...
  7. Eggrigg

    Head Tilt from Head Trauma: Advice

    Here a couple of photos. Some are more extreme because she has a stronger tilt when stressed or excited. The other is how she usually is. The medication is a topical ointment as well as two oral which are Doxycycline and Metacam syrup. I’ll start adding the vitamins!
  8. Eggrigg

    Head Tilt from Head Trauma: Advice

    Hey, so quick background. I got a couple healthy young chicks a few weeks ago and they were all doing very well. Unfortunately our cat got into the brooder (a messy mistake on my part) and as a result, two of our 2.5 week old Americauna chicks were injured. There is one I’m mostly worried...
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