Recent content by ellenmg

  1. ellenmg

    Mama pecking her babies

    We have 6 chicks about 6 weeks old. Nearly fully feathered. Their segregated area is rather small at this point. Mama has been a very good mama but today she has taken to pecking at them all..... Is she done mothering???? I put her out with the adults. Maybe she just wants some grown-up time????
  2. ellenmg

    Egg color challenged

    THANK YOU!!!! You are my new best friend! I'll let you all know how this goes....
  3. ellenmg

    Egg color challenged

    Did you just rub food coloring around her vent? I love this idea
  4. ellenmg

    Egg color challenged

    Now THAT is a clever idea.... I may have to try it. Thanks for a great idea!
  5. ellenmg

    Egg color challenged

    Hi All, I currently have A Swedish Flower Hen rooster and two SFH hens, also a Salmon Faverolles, and several other that lay very similar colored eggs. Short of sitting in the coop all day to monitor nestboxes and ladies who find it amusing to get in one box, sit a spell then move to...
  6. ellenmg

    8 week-old chick, flaky skin??? Or feather flecks?

    I am not a newbie with chicks but I recently acquired an 8 week old Silver Laced Polish. She was in a group before coming to me and she only weighs 9 oz and is very thin. SHe has had some of tips of her feathers bitten off, so I am not sure if she had difficulty getting to the food. She was...
  7. ellenmg

    Ended 2013 Easter Hatch-a-long Contest #6 "Broodies and Their Babies!!!"

    My feral girl Miss Bette, growling like a dog! She was killed last year protecting another baby...
  8. ellenmg

    Hats for chickens?

    Did you ever find anything? I just got a new Polish girl and was thinking the same thing as her head seems to be a source of constant interest. I am thinking of crocheting or knitting something stretchy.... If it works out I will let you know.
  9. ellenmg

    Grape-sized, unformed egg?

    EW, but it looks like what she laid. Thanks for the info I will see what I can find.... hers is actually really small but we had another hen who has died, that "laid" one that was obviously about a week old embryo. No eyes but the beginning of the shape...
  10. ellenmg

    Grape-sized, unformed egg?

    Hi Al, One of my hens has twice now dropped (I say that because it was with her poop and not in the box) a very strange looking thing. Both times, it is the size of a small grape, irregularly shaped, pink color, and rather layered when I cut it open. No shell material. She is not...
  11. ellenmg

    Help!! Possibly broken or dislocated leg

    Can you clarify? I think you are saying that the bone is seemingly unattached? Ellen
  12. ellenmg

    Help!! Possibly broken or dislocated leg

    Glad I found this thread. My neighbor adopted a hen with a leg problem. She was attacked by an unknown animal and hesitates to put weight on it. It is at the metatarsal/tibial joint. between the hock and thigh. It feels dislocated. And her foot rather turns inward. SHe is trying to roost...
  13. ellenmg

    Semi-formed chick delivered-anyone see this before?

    No, I tossed it out... What is a lash egg?
  14. ellenmg

    Semi-formed chick delivered-anyone see this before?

    Yes, it is her spot and I looked up chick embryology pics. And the skin was chicken skin. Bizarre.
  15. ellenmg

    Semi-formed chick delivered-anyone see this before?

    Yesterday, we found this where one of the girls sleeps. She has not been laying as was sickly for a while. There was no shell, and no white around it.
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