Recent content by eugenebackyard

  1. E

    Reintroduction to flock after extreme injury recovery (hawk attack)

    Yeah, that's what we've been thinking about having her in the big yard. It's not chicken safe, hawks can get there, no shelter from the rain, but for a few hours a day it's ok. I'll try putting her out there longer, all day if possible for the remainder of her recovery, set out food and water...
  2. E

    Reintroduction to flock after extreme injury recovery (hawk attack)

    Thanks! Did you mean "next to", as in outside of the chicken run? Or like put on the Blu-Kote and put her back in sooner so she can continue reintegrating?
  3. E

    Reintroduction to flock after extreme injury recovery (hawk attack)

    Hello! Thank you for having such a great community, I've used these forums for my entire time raising our chickens (almost a year now!). First time posting. Two months ago, one of my four chickens was attacked by a hawk, saved just in time by my wife. We thought the chicken was going to die...
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