Recent content by EvaSoler

  1. EvaSoler

    Killing an old chicken

    Hello, I have a six year old chicken that is not doing well. She cannot walk anymore and now also cannot stand up anymore. She stopped eating. I can't bring myself to killing her. Is there someone that can come and do it for me? Any other suggestions? I don't want her to suffer too much longer...
  2. EvaSoler

    poop stuck on my chickens bottom (large area) ! help what do I do?

    I just looked up some old posts regarding this problem. I had the same issue with one my Rhode Island Whites. Have you found a solution that works best for you? thanks, Eva
  3. EvaSoler

    setting eggs one day apart

    Hi, can I put eggs in incubator one day apart from each other ?
  4. EvaSoler


    Hi, I am Eva and we are hatching chicken eggs in our little incubator at the preschool where I work.
  5. EvaSoler

    setting eggs one day apart

    Hello, I set 4 eggs today and will have 3 more tomorrow- Will that cause a problem with hatching ? thanks for feedback! Eva
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