Recent content by FlowerDragon

  1. F

    Cream Legbar crossed with Speckled Sussex

    Thank you so much! All of your information has been very helpful. Now I'm planning out my project. 😀
  2. F

    Cream Legbar crossed with Speckled Sussex

    Thank you so much! That information is very helpful. For this project, would it be better to have a Legbar Roo and a Sussex Hen, or a Sussex Roo and a Legbar Hen?
  3. F

    Cream Legbar crossed with Speckled Sussex

    I really want to have some sort of lemon mottled chicken. Would it be possible to do that with the mottled pattern from the Sussex and the cream gene from the Legbar? Thank you in advance! 😀
  4. F

    Cream Light Brown Dutch

    Thank you so much for your reply! I had looked at Welp, but didn't realize that the Yellow Partridge was the same as the Cream Light Brown. I looked through BYC and found a couple of older chats where people were talking about the Cream Legbars having cream gene.
  5. F

    Cream Light Brown Dutch

    I've been searching for a hatchery or breeder that sells Cream Light Brown Dutch Bantams. I really want the cream genes for breeding projects, but cannot find them anywhere, except on Purely Poultry, but they show sold out for the season. 😐 I'd even be open to suggestions of other types of...
  6. F

    First time incubating questions

    One more hatched during the night, so that's 20 of the 23! I will run those tests before next hatch. I did put the holes the first day that you mentioned it, and I think it helped. I hope your hatch goes well. Thank you so much for all of your information. 😀
  7. F

    First time incubating questions

    Cool stuff to know. Thanks! 19 hatched of 23 that developed.
  8. F

    First time incubating questions

    Thanks for the good information. I have a new thermometer-hygrometer coming, so we'll have that for next hatch. We've had 17 of 23 hatch and more working on it, so it turned out good in spite of it. 😀
  9. F

    First time incubating questions

    We have 5 that have hatched already and several more working on it. Thank you to everyone for the help. 😃
  10. F

    First time incubating questions

    It's still reading 65%. We do have one chick that started pipping so hopefully the others aren't far behind. 😀
  11. F

    First time incubating questions

    OK. I got the condensation off the lid. I'll put a hole in the lid. Thank you.
  12. F

    First time incubating questions

    We've searched the incubator all over and didn't see anything and the manual doesn't mention any vents. I ordered a set of two thermometer-hygrometer last night, but they won't me here until Wednesday. Thank you for all of your help.
  13. F

    First time incubating questions

    Our manual calls for 50-55% for the first 18 days, then 60-65% I've even seen people say as high as 80% for the last three days. It just seems very damp in there.
  14. F

    First time incubating questions

    It's day 20 of incubation, but will switch over to day 21 in 2-2.5 hours. There are no pips yet from any of the 23 eggs that had been developing. Should I be worried or just give it more time. Humidity is at 65%, is that too high or too low? I don't see any vents to open and there's a lot of...
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