Recent content by foxchase

  1. foxchase

    odd behaviour in a peacock

    Should I be worming them now during the breeding season? Also penning and catching them is not a possibility but I have thought of soaking a treat in wormer and giving it to the individual birds. What is the dose of panacur goat wormer and does it need to be given for several consecutive days...
  2. foxchase

    odd behaviour in a peacock

    Thanks for your wonderfully informative reply! The peacock does not eat the feathers and no blood is apparent. I need to get my friend to video this. He is also pulling at his neck skin til it tents out and then letting go and repeating. I have noted that this behavior follows his displaying...
  3. foxchase

    odd behaviour in a peacock

    A foster mom of three peahens and one peacock I am looking for some insight into the male's unusual behavior. This free ranging group of peafowl landed at my farm and are not in the least interested in going home. Their owner is my new neighbor who knows they are here and told me the peacock is...
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