Recent content by FuzzFaceFarm

  1. FuzzFaceFarm

    What killed my Black Jersey Giant Rooster?

    I thought so too. Such a shame we have 4 can do cameras &. Trail camera and nothing definitive was seen. One place we didn't have it aimed was the run because we had to move that camera. I thought that was just his back and head was ripped off but it's still attached just chewed up horribly and...
  2. FuzzFaceFarm

    What killed my Black Jersey Giant Rooster?

    What killed my rooster? Tons of feathers in the run, some around the yard but he was found 20-30 feet up the hill out the door if the run. We aren't sure when it happened because we were out of town and my mother-in-law was taking care of them. My husband found him today when he went home but it...
  3. FuzzFaceFarm

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant?

    Does it matter that the one has some greyish black underfoot along with the yellow? I can take a pic tomorrow and post it.
  4. FuzzFaceFarm

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant?

    A light yellow. 3 of the big guys have light yellow and the biggest one with the most impressive sickle feathers and a touch of copper/red color in his hackle feathers has mostly yellow but some greyish black on the bottom of his feet. He is pictured here
  5. FuzzFaceFarm

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant? 22-23 weeks.

    I'm going to tickle their toes tonight when I tuck them into bed. 😆
  6. FuzzFaceFarm

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant?

    Thank you! I had read about the feet and have had a hard time telling if they're truly yellow or not. I also read that AL has five points on their comb and JG has six and I have one of the 5 that has a slightly different comb than the others. The one that died definitely had pink soles on her...
  7. FuzzFaceFarm

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant?

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant? 22-23 weeks. Roo, right? Bought 2 Australorps & 4 Jersey Giants but can't tell them apart. I'm only sure one crows. He has such a grumpy face for being such a nice quiet giant guy.
  8. FuzzFaceFarm

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant? 22-23 weeks.

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant? 22-23 weeks. Roo, right? Bought 2 Australorps & 4 Jersey Giants but can't tell them apart. I'm only sure one crows. This one has some copper/red in his hackle feathers.
  9. FuzzFaceFarm

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant?

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant? 22-23 weeks. Hen or roo? Bought 2 Australorps & 4 Jersey Giants but can't tell them apart. I'm only sure one crows. This one has a different shaped comb than the other three.
  10. FuzzFaceFarm

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant? 22-23 weeks.

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant? 22-23 weeks. Hen or roo? Bought 2 Australorps & 4 Jersey Giants but can't tell them apart. I'm only sure one crows.
  11. FuzzFaceFarm

    Are these Jersey Giants?

    Cute little frizzle.
  12. FuzzFaceFarm

    HELP!!! What breed and gender of chickens are these....

    Oh, thank goodness to that. She has never crowed and everyone loves her so much. She was sold to me as a set of 5 black onyx chickens but as the other ones lost their fluff and kept growing she didn't. So it was a wonderful little surprise and my son just turned 4 so "fluffy" is by far the...
  13. FuzzFaceFarm

    HELP!!! What breed and gender of chickens are these....

    The 4 jersey Giants I bought were from TSC and the rest were from Rural King. I think the small one is some kind of blue egg layer but I don't remember the breed and I lost my notes. I have two and they can take flight really well and feel like their bodies are lighter than my silkie. All black...
  14. FuzzFaceFarm

    HELP!!! What breed and gender of chickens are these....

    I had seen & heard at least one of the bigger black ones crowing and mounting my hens but can't figure out which it is. I currently have two which I definitely think are roos in the pics still in the hurricane quarters (small spurs seem to be growing & they have much more prominent sickle...
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