Recent content by gabrielle32

  1. gabrielle32


    They are really lovely birds,roll on next spring! How do you find the temperament of the Araucana rooster?
  2. gabrielle32


    ooh they sound beautiful would love to see some pics! I'm building up a little flock of silkies in the hopes of breeding some of my own next year,here's a pic of one of last night's hatchlings,so cute I had to share:
  3. gabrielle32


    So happy to hear she's a real vorwerk, didn't even intend to buy any chicks that day,only got her because my 8 year old son was shot in the arm (just a nasty bruise) by a bb gun at the fair by some unruly teens and nothing cheers him up like a chick! We were just lucky to have some the same age...
  4. gabrielle32


    This has me very excited now, so any breed of chicken? Is there any that would be preferable? And should I use an araucana rooster or hen to breed with?
  5. gabrielle32


    We have araucana's but that's it, Was considering hatching some earlier this year but from what I heard their eggs are quite small and they don't lay much or maybe it was because they were bantam types can't remember now,will hatch some in the new year if I can get large breed,I avoid ee or...
  6. gabrielle32


    well look me up both of you when you get here and we'll get you those vorwerk eggs! and bring me some ee's please! Really want me some of those guys
  7. gabrielle32


    our kids all go to same school so I see him regularly I will ask him,not sure where you are but I imagine it's a long way from Ireland not sure if eggs would make it that distance!
  8. gabrielle32


    here she is now at 7 months, what do you think? I think maybe her coloring is a little dark,but she has got the blue ear lobes, also she's been the most difficult of this years chicks to tame,but maybe that's because we got her at 3 weeks and all the others we hatched ourselves,it's only...
  9. gabrielle32

    day 22

    She was very lazy with her packaging, just a normal egg box which the eggs were much too small for wrapped in one layer of bubble wrap and I was so happy to find her,very difficult to find a supplier of silkie and polish eggs here,she sent me 10 more as a replacement for the broken ones,they're...
  10. gabrielle32

    day 22

    just went to check on chick and it had died next time I order eggs and some are broken I'll be requesting replacements for ALL not just the broken ones,thank you Sumi for your advice,it's always worth trying
  11. gabrielle32

    day 22

    Sumi your post gave me hope and I have taken your advice, have spent the past couple of hours removing the shell, all that's left now is mostly membrane and I'm unsure how to remove this,at time of writing this post chick is wrapped in warm wet washcloth in incy, is barely moving and hasn't...
  12. gabrielle32

    day 22

    ok for my last hatch of the year i set some polish eggs as a birthday surprise for my youngest son who has wanted a polish chick since forever,told him they were just more silkies for our breeding programme,the eggs were posted to me (20) and when they arrived 7 were broken,washed the others and...
  13. gabrielle32

    Introducing a Rooster question

    Don't worry I'm sure they'll love him! I introduced a rooster to my flock a few months ago and there was no problems at all, if anything he's the one that gets bossed around,if the hens aren't in the mood they don't hesitate to let him know! Keep an eye on your pullets though they will probably...
  14. gabrielle32

    What is the hatching grace period?

    don't take them off her!! have silkie eggs in incy right now they were due to hatch on the 31st,was gutted when only one hatched,left them anyway but wasn't expecting anything then yesterday two more hatched,so far today we've had one and anothers pipping! I'm going to leave remaining four eggs...
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