Recent content by Gallus123

  1. G

    Eggs Under Our Broody Hen are Very Shiny. Is this normal?

    We missed Day 7, but will start on Day 10. Thanks again for your input. If it's good news, I will be sure to report back! : )
  2. G

    Eggs Under Our Broody Hen are Very Shiny. Is this normal?

    Wow! Thanks so much for responding! This is only our second time with a broody hen. I don't remember her brood eggs being so shiny last year. Hubby plans to candle them this weekend (with our 8 year old nephew - some fun for the kids). Hubby has candled incubator eggs in the past - so he knows...
  3. G

    Eggs Under Our Broody Hen are Very Shiny. Is this normal?

    Our broody hen, Abeona, has been sitting on 8 eggs for one week so far. We hope they are fertilized (we had a Rooster until very recently - but we had to put him down - RIP Roopert).... Abeona is a perfect sitter. She leaves only once a day to eat, poop and bathe. While she was out snacking...
  4. G

    Review by '' on item 'Farm Innovators "All-Seasons" Heated Plastic Poultry Fountain - 3 Gal. Model HPF-100, 100-Watt'

    Purchased this because we needed a larger fount, and quickly found it to be less than useful. Depending on where you place it, (we like to keep founts available from all sides) you may have to run an extension chord in the bedding for it. Until you get the hang of it, it is tricky to fill...
  5. G

    4 wk old chick, can stand but barely walk.

    Hello! We have a Cornish X chick that can't seem to walk properly, but cannot stand. We have never seen this before. Her leg has a dark discoloration on the upper leg, and it kind of looks red and discoloured where the feathers meet the leg. She is eating and drinking, but seems requires...
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