Recent content by gamaaysa

  1. gamaaysa

    help me with temprature?

    what temperature is your incubator set at and what is the variance between top and bottom temperature?
  2. gamaaysa

    Help with hatching

    My pea-hen eggs were due to hatch Saturday the 22nd., i transferred them to the hatcher Thursday night and raised the humidity with sponges,Saturday nothing,no peeps no egg cracking,so tonight i opened the 9 eggs, 4 were yolk and 5 had dead embryo's in them but they weren't quite developed. any...
  3. gamaaysa

    Help with hatch

    My pea-hen eggs were due to hatch on the 22nd,nothing,i checked tonight and still nothing, i set 9 eggs 4 were just yolk and 5 were fertile with dead embryos,just guessing almost fully developed,any suggestions, i put them in the hatcher Thursday before Saturday just like my chicken eggs, raised...
  4. gamaaysa

    How Often Should You Feed Your Flock?

    My 53 barred rocks eat 12 pounds of feed a day, and they are in great shape and i leave a bale of coastal in the pen for them also which lasts for months...
  5. gamaaysa

    New from north Texas

    Just wanted to say hello, we raise barred rocks, royal palms ,guineas,peafowl. look forward to talking to ya'll
  6. gamaaysa

    Am I the only one who hasn't got an egg???

    mine starting laying about 2 weeks ago in north texas..
  7. gamaaysa

    Hatching Peafowl

    my peafowl will be hatching next saturday,any good tips to get them off to a good start such as feed protein%,getting them to start to eat, temp at 95 degrees??? thanks for your help..
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